6 ways to find a passionate Life

I have adapted this from a previous post of mine. I have amended it somewhat & present it to you in a fresher format. Please read on…….

Living with Passion is mind blowing. There are so many passionate people on this earth yet there are so many more who are either 1. Still seeking the key to a life filled with passion OR 2. Don’t know that a passionate Life can be available to them.

I would like to share with you 6 of my thoughts on how to discover & live a Life with Passion. In no particular order…….

1. Take the time to learn what is really important to you…….I mean really important. This requires serious introspection. This may take time however it is seriously worth it!…..look at your Beliefs, are they serving you, are they ‘out of date’?…..your Values, what are they, are you living them? Only after you have questioned & evaluated your Values & Beliefs can you begin the path to what is really important in your Life.

2. Have a sense of Direction…….. where are you going with your Life?…This can be a follow on to the previous point. Are you at the mercy of others, their needs, their wishes. Is the pathway blurred Or is the pathway clear of major obstacles and ready for you to navigate toward your end goals? The latter is more desirable, you need to know where you are going, what you want to achieve and it needs to be your journey……no ‘excess’ baggage please, no pleasing others though this may turn into a by product of your successful journey. It’s got to be you in the first instance.

Start with a broad perspective. Allow for ‘detours’ which may uncover some marvellous opportunities not previously thought of. You can then ‘narrow down’  your discoveries to  form your  most desirable outcomes as your journey unfolds.

3. Having meaningful goals……..not any goals but goals with passion, with substance, with bite. Goals that will set you alight, will make your heart sing, will add substance to your life, your existence, your legacy. Drill down to your core, what really matters to you? Set the bar to the max, stretch yourself, add some real meaning to your Life.

4. Your Thoughts must be Positive………your thoughts determine your actions therefore your outcomes. We are always thinking, believe it or not. Everything you are currently doing, will do today, this week are determined by your thoughts. So why not think positively, think for the good, it will change your Life…..try it.

5. Be Yourself……. sounds pretty basic doesn’t it? However realising and being You and only you sets you on the right path. Forget comparisons, you are your own benchmark. By all means learn from others, that’s sensible. However you can’t be others, you can only be You. And aim to be the best You that you can be.

6.  Imagination………….without it you have restrictions, With it you have freedom. Freedom to choose your path, freedom from mediocrity, freedom to be great! There are no boundaries to your Imagination & there are no rules, be wild.

“Imagination is greater then knowledge.” Albert Einstein.…use your imagination to create a life with no limits but with endless joy.

I imagine a world with happy, smiling people…..what do you Imagine?

Be good to yourselves


p.s Feel free to view & “like” my Facebook page over there, if you like

check out my new Virtual Coach page here

I also hang out @ www.davidstevenslifecoach.com.au

19 thoughts on “6 ways to find a passionate Life

  1. I am reposting this as it is so in line with a conversation I just had with a friend about stepping into our truth. Not waiting for everything to be ‘just so’ or playing the “if this happens, then I will…” but moving into what you are passionate about and into who you know yourself to be.
    Thank you David for all that you are and all that you do!

    1. Hello Joss,
      That’s very kind of you to repost & for your thoughts. There’s no time like the present…….to be passionate. Create your own rules, move on, don’t wait, time slips by.
      Thank you & be good to yourself

  2. I love your 6 ideas and would add one more – give yourself permission to live a passionate life.

    A lot of mid-lifers seem stuck in the roles they have adopted over the years. Whereas mid-life to me is a second chance at being a teenager (with a lot more wisdom thrown in). That means it’s time to try out new roles, new ways of thinking & new ways of being. Just give yourself permission to rediscover your passions.

    1. Hi Ingrid,
      Great point. We do tend to get in our own way. Permit yourself to LIVE, try new things, go a little crazy(maybe) & most importantly, be Passionate. Thank you Ingrid, I love it.
      be good to yourself

  3. Hey David, these are all crucial points you have made. And they are all linked to self-discovery. Only when we look into our hearts and minds can we define our values, goals, and what it is in life that we find most important. Without taking this step, happiness is like shooting an arrow in the dark and hoping that you will hit the target. Most likely, you won’t. But when you shed light into your own being, you become more aware of what direction to shoot.


    1. Hi Steven,
      Nice to meet you. I agree, we need to look within for our answers. Too often people look to compare themselves with others. There is only one you.
      Thank you for your comment.
      be good to yourself

  4. Goals are a great way to keep ourselves occupied. An idle mind is the devils playground. I received a great e-mail from Morty Lefkoe in regards to goals and wher PD folks miss the boat on this topic.

    I imagine a world with no fighting. We could try peaceful non-compliance instead.

    1. Hi Justin,
      Thank you for calling in. Goals are many things to many people. Goals with meaning I believe, propel you forward in to greater growth. A World with no fighting would be bliss indeed. I think we are due for a break after many centuries of ongoing conflict. I think Monty & Tim Brownson are working on something together, bookwise. I’ve heard mention of the “Lefkoe’ method however don’t have any other info to hand.
      be good to yourself

  5. Yes, excellent article David.

    One of the crucial aspects I believe are to “choose” to have a passionate life and “commit” to it. Without commitment, nothing changes until one day it’s all too late. Being yourself is also a good point… people often think that they don’t measure up so they have to be just like “so and so”.

    1. Hi Andrew,
      Appreciate you calling in. ‘Choice’ & ‘committment’ are excellent points otherwise we are just spinning our wheels. You can only be you so be you & get on with it. As an acquaintance I mind says…”find your passion & then pursue it”. Hope to see you again Andrew.
      be good to yourself

  6. Love this! We must open ourselves up to all that’s out there to take advantage of, to learn about and see. Curiosity, wonderment (if theres’s such a word), excitement, awe, beauty – these are some qualities towards leading a passionate life. There’s so much to grab at. We’d need at least 5 lives to experience it all, and then some.

  7. This was a great read, and supports something that I wrote yesterday (especially point number 1). LOVE how the Universe comes to reinforce an idea!! 🙂

    I had this realization that I had burdening myself with an idea about the way my life “should” look, for quite a few decades now. What a difference it makes to release what no longer fits, and just love what’s in front of us!

    1. Hello Grace,
      Lovely to see you. Thank you for your kind comment. Be yourself Grace & enjoy what Life has in store for Grace…….& you have the power to make it a great one!
      be good to yourself
      p.s Love the theme of your blog

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