Living Life Today – Excuse me…..your Life is waiting

The Living Life Today series provides a platform to think about your Life as it is Now, enjoy what you have, review and create an even better future for tomorrow”….. Short, sharp & easily digestible.

Do you feel that you are regularly ‘on hold’? Want to get something done however distractions get in the way?

You know how you feel when you make a call and you are placed on hold……it seems indefinitely at times, very frustrating.

So why is it that we often put our Lives on hold?…..Excuse me, Your Life is calling…….do you put your Life on hold if you are doing busy, unimportant stuff?

…..because this puts you out of the Game(of Life)……and aren’t you frustrated by that?

Now Excuses, we all have them, in various guises….. but at what cost?…….your Life?

We will often get caught on the merry-go-round of Life…..excuse this, excuse that, can’t get off, going nowhere…..except around in circles. Much like having your Life on hold.

Getting off “hold” and into the rhythm of Life requires action, by way of choice then  if necessary, followed by further massive action, when you have been ‘on hold’ so long that you have become stagnant……now that’s a poor place to be.

You have one shot at this Life. It makes sense to pay attention & be aware at all times and….. get on with living it, it’s yours to enjoy.

Be aware of your thoughts, be aware of your actions, be aware of your choices. Use them wisely and….. Live.

Put the excuses on hold, not your Life and live without distraction(as much as you can). Live with vitality, live with Belief, unshakeable Belief that what you really want/want to enjoy will ‘materialise’.

Be good to yourselves


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18 thoughts on “Living Life Today – Excuse me…..your Life is waiting

  1. Hi David,

    This is very true, “Be aware of your thoughts, be aware of your actions, be aware of your choices.” When we are aware of thoughts, actions and choices we can change our life to the life we want.

    Don’t let other keep getting in your way by the choices you make. Sometimes it is hard not be the nice guy always, but we do have to help ourselves at time and not be putting us on hold.

    Thank you for the reminder, if I don’t watch myself I will do this.
    Blessing to you,

  2. Love how you worded this – “Do you feel that you are regularly ‘on hold’? ” there’s a book I love titled, “Excuse me your life is waiting” – your title reminded me of that book. It’s pretty easy to get stuck – so much business, excuses etc.. that going against the routine to shoot out and DO can be so hard.
    You are so,so, so right, “be aware of your thoughts, be aware of your actions, be aware of your choices. Use them wisely” It’s imperative, if we want to live the life we desire.

  3. Great post. Another great excuse people use for not Doing something is, ‘life got in the way.’ Well life always gets in the way; there’s always ‘stuff’ going on for us to hang our hats onto as to why we’re not doing something we want to do.
    Like you say, we have one shot at this life, let’s make it the best possible.

    1. Hi Harriet,
      “Life” gets in the way is a well worn phrase now you mention it…..and it does, it’s not all roses. However we do need to switch back into ‘our life’ mode and move on living in our own way. Thankyou.
      be good to yourself

  4. Wow….powerful message here! I love your message about putting excuses on hold and not our lives. No more hiding around but being bold in pursuing living a full life!

  5. Hi David,

    It’s true, we put our lives on hold so often. I can think of at least 3 things I personally have put on hold that I should just lose the fear and move forward on them.

    Very inspiring.


  6. Hi David,

    If we want to move ahead in life, we have got to put an end to excuses. Life is about taking chances and action to fulfill our dreams and goals. Thanks for sharing my friend

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