Humanity, the Beach & a million Thoughts…

Changed spaces this morning and spent 2 hours walking the beachfront esplanade a few minutes drive from my home.

And what a cracker of a morning it was! Delightfully clear skies, no breeze & pleasantly mild for this time of year (early winter). The weather has calmed from the past few days when an east coast “low” had created some (previously) nasty weather…but not today.

Today the surf was boiling and many boardriders were taking advantage of the swell. World famous Snapper Rocks(home to The Billabong Pro each Feb/March) was a little too dangerous this morn though & consequently “action” there was quiet.

There was much more action on the boardwalk.

Here were people of different nationalities (holiday makers mostly), different shapes and sizes, some smiling, some frowning (what on earth for?), some expressionless, some animated, some talking, some just lost in thought….. all mixing in a patchwork quilt of Humanity and with seeming Harmony.

I love to observe people, read their faces, peer into their thoughts or at least what I imagine that they are thinking. You can tell so much from people’s facial expression, at least I feel that I can…..and that’s really helpful as a Life Coach.

And mostly I have been correct.

Tuning in on another’s ‘wavelength’ when communicating with them makes for generous and valuable conversation…nothing wasted.

Getting into fresh space is great for my soul. Thoughts flow freely and often (need to have a notebook handy)…’s like a complete renewal of my system. Co incidentally my “computer guy” was giving my computer a ‘renewal’ at home at the same time as I was at the beachfront. It now has more space….. of the hardrive kind.

Needless to say, I had more thoughts than I could handle this morning however made a ‘mental note’ of the ones that most caught my attention. These will come in very handy for a new “Coaching philosophy” that I am working on currently.

My best thoughts come to me when they are allowed to.

Being in a fresh space, uninhibited by deadlines, phone calls, email alerts allowed better communication with my higher self (woops, a little woo woo there)…..must be the Sun & fresh salt air getting to me.

I am extremely grateful to have the power of Choice… choose my space and change when necessary, to be able to choose the thoughts that give me the most value…..and to be part of this patchwork quilt of Humanity.

* Bonus Reads: When Gratitude Bites…..The Bridgemaker

The Present that becomes the Gift…..Victor Schueller

Be good to yourselves


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13 thoughts on “Humanity, the Beach & a million Thoughts…

  1. Sounds like a wonderful space of creativity David. Like you I need to carry a notebook, or phone to jot the thoughts down before they disappear into the ether. What’s with that anyhoo?


  2. Hi David,

    I often find ideas just come to mind when I am walking and enjoying nature. So fun to think of you all enjoying winter when it is summer here in California. The world is getting smaller isn’t it? When I allow my mind to let go, new ideas sometimes float in. Take care.

  3. A walk in the woods, sitting by a stream, or standing on the beach watching the waves roll in – time and place to flow, to be, to watch thoughts moving in and out and fell which ones most resonate with us . Wonderful moments.

  4. I wish my thoughts would cooperate like yours do. I seem to have the good ones when I should be listening to someone or should be writing something unrelated or when I really need some sleep.

  5. Hi David,

    That was a wonderful post, full of some amazing word pictures! 🙂

    I was with you, right the way through.

    I cracked up, when I read “some frowning (what on earth for?)” 🙂

    Having free space really is a great time to allow some intuitive thoughts to arise, and these in my view and some of the most purest and powerful ones, which can be used positively for change and action.

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