3 reasons to get your day kickstarted the right way

Coffee helps me start my day. However, that’s only part of the deal.

Mostly, I am ready to roll. Sure, some caffeine in a cup or two just makes the start to each day that little bit sweeter…but there’s more to my day and yours, than just coffee.

Your day is another opportunity to live.ย Obvious statement. However what’s not as obvious is the fact that many do not appreciate the gift they have been given. “Just another day” many will groan.ย This day will not repeat itself. This day has opportunities that you may never see again.

Therefore, this dayย is unique.ย This day is a gift that can be only opened once.

Your day is another opportunity to ‘make your mark’ on the world.ย Step out with Purpose. This day is Yours. Your Goals & Dreams are taking shape and today is another step in the right direction. A direction that will see you achieve what you are seeking.

Your Life has a Purpose, no doubt about it. It is however, your job to find that Purpose…and that’s part of the fun. I believe that your “Purpose” will vary thru Life. Many are seeking their “purpose” like a holy grail…you may be already living your purpose…do what you enjoy and do it with passion!…this day.

Your day is a day to connect.ย Connect with your inner self. Connect with your family, your friends. A day to connect with and to, like minded individuals. We are all connected in some way on this planet. It’s not blindingly obvious at the moment however isn’t it serendipitous when we do “connect”? Usually completely unexpectedly.

The power of connection is there to grab hold of. When we step into a new day, thereย are more connections waiting to happen. When we put ourselves out there, each day…..these serendipitous happenings occur.

How do you look forward to each and every day? Love to hear your comments below.

Be good to yourselves


#ย In 2013 I will also be at my new site. So please join me for coffee, fresh writings, fresh thoughts and ideas atย :www.davidstevenslifecoach.com.au

#ย ย I welcome you toย Visitย andย โ€œlikeโ€ย myย Facebook pageย for terrific insights into Life issues that affect You

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24 thoughts on “3 reasons to get your day kickstarted the right way

  1. each day is a gift, we so often take that for granted or even grumble a bit, don’t we. And yet, it’s a wondrous thing to wake up each morning and know that a day is before us, to grow, to connect, to be! well said!

  2. This is great to read early in the morning, I have already woken up happy. Reading this makes me even happier and appreciate the new day . It is so wonderful, I am always looking forward to people I love at work, enjoy my work and there I can spread happiness and smiles. Love this post! Thank you so much David! Going to have a good cup of tea now! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. So true David, I love that line: ‘This day has opportunities that you may never see again.’ Think about that for a moment… ‘you may NEVER see again.’ Make each day count. Thanks for the reminder David. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. As depressed as I can get at times, I seem to always wake up looking at the new day as one that could be incredibly better than the one before. (So you don’t worry, the depression is just a part of my GAD symptoms.)

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